First formed in 1919 as a revival of the Tongmenhui, 孫中山 and the Guomindang have always stood against foreign imperialism from the Qing to the Japanese. Originally unifying and liberating China from imperialism in 1928, the party was faced with a impossible choice, support the original Guomindang or support 汪精衞 and his Guomindang. After careful consultation and discussion, it was agreed that Guomindang policy going forward would establish the 'All Guomindang doctrine'. Defeating the Japanese and entering the Chinese Civil War, China was once again gripped in terror as the misguided 毛泽东 and the Chinese Communist Party took control of Mainland China, despite his faults, the allowance of the Revolutionary Guomindang and it's eventual rise with 宋庆龄 as Honorary President displayed it's powerful presence on the mainland.
Eventually came the most confusing day in Chinese History, after decades of conflict betweeen the Revolutionary Guomindang influenced Peoples Republic of China and the Guomindang influenced Republic of China. The Republic of China fell to a communist revolution widely believe to have been as a result of Non-Guomindang parties, while on that exact day, the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party died, leaving the Revolutionary Guomindang to gain power in the mainland. After a tense standoff between the respective nations and their new governments. Taiwan rejoined the nation as a communist autonomous zone, once again soldifying China as one.
A great many policies and development decisions were made in those days, efforts of years reduced to months by the tenacity and valour of the Chinese people and their chosen party, the Guomindang. It would not be inarguable to be declared as the new golden age of China, that was of course, before the Manchu developed PRISMA came online... While the Guomindang naturally suspected disaster and naturally warned humanity of the possible cataclysmic situation that was developing with increased reliance on artifical intelligence, many did not listen. When the mistakes of humanity came knocked at the door of the Chinese people, they did not bow their heads to be destroyed. The Chinese people held strong dealing the blow that forced PRISMA off Earth. Eventually with the war won against PRISMA, the Guomindang openly endorsed the formation of the Solar Reconstruction Authority with the Guomindang joining as a Chinese Interests party.
In the year 2200, our illustrious Party Leader 新容, gained the support of the party, ushering in an era which embraces 鄒容 thought. Today the Guomindang stands at the forefront of our nation. Seeking better lives for all!
In the year 2230, disaster struck, the secret lost twin of our Glorious Party Leader 新容, Governor